Note: We are aware of email issues and are currently investigating.

Meet The Team

Barry Hennebry


Peter Brabazon

Assistant CEO

Terry Gleeson

Strategy and Business Development Manager

Disha Mandalia

Employment Training & Wellbeing Executive

Megan Carroll

Junior Assessment and Support Executive

Alanna Geraghty

Junior Assessment and Support Executive

Brian Rankin

Tax Advisor

Noreen Murphy

Operations Manager

Hilary Martin

Administration & Compliance Manager

Sinead O'Brien

Senior Assessment and Support Executive

Susan Cullen

Training and Tutoring Support Executive

Rachael Riordan

Assessment and Support Executive

Robert Cosgrove


Board of Directors

Dr. Sheila Gilheany


Karen Ferris


Peter McKenna


John O’Connor


Aidan Keogh


Adam Harris


Vincent Brennan


Barry Hennebry


Barry Hennebry is the CEO of Specialisterne Ireland. Barry leads our organisation to achieve our strategic goals through its people and stakeholders. With a proven track record of driving growth and spearheading strategic initiatives, Barry brings over two decades of senior management experience. 

Barry has worked in the construction industry and more recently in the public sector with senior management roles in Revenue, the ODCE, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and as Deputy Director of the CCPC.

Barry is passionate about diversity and inclusion and working with partners to create a more understanding neurodiverse workplace.

Barry has a BA(Hons) in Business and a MSc in Finance. 

Peter Brabazon

Assistant CEO

Peter Brabazon is the Assistant CEO at Specialisterne Ireland. Peter is a Dubliner, qualified as an electrical engineer with a diploma in Business Strategy. He is married with three sons, one of whom has Asperger autism.

In 2012 after 35 years in communications, industrial energy conservation and education Peter became a founder and the General Manager of Specialisterne Ireland, CLG, a social enterprise company and charity.

Terry Gleeson

Strategy and Business Development Manager

Terry is a Strategy and Business Development Manager. Terry leads our work to implement our Strategic Plan, enabling us to plan for future growth. Ensuring we evolve and develop to meet the needs of our candidates and our Business Partners. Terry has a BSc in Business and qualified as an accountant, she previously worked in finance, in the pharmaceutical sector.

Terry joined Specialisterne in 2018 initially working in Operations before moving to a Strategic role in 2021. Terry is passionate about working with neurodiverse individuals and helping them to reach their potential.

Disha Mandalia

Employment Training & Wellbeing Executive

Disha is the Training & Wellbeing Executive at Specialisterne Ireland. She holds a postgraduate degree in Psychiatry and a MSc in Work and Organisational Psychology. She is a BPS accredited Psychometric Test User, and a certified Wellness Coach. She has several years of professional experience in mental health, psychology, employee wellbeing and management. 

She provides on-going coaching to our candidates and their managers to ensure professional wellbeing and success of our candidates in their workplace. She conducts strengths-based assessments and also manages various funding projects. In her spare time, she enjoys outdoor activities in nature, and socialising with people from different cultural backgrounds.

Megan Carroll

Junior Assessment and Support Executive

Megan is a Junior Assessment and Support Executive who works with candidates on CV building and interview skills development. She works with candidates on a one-to-one basis to provide ongoing support through employment.

Megan holds a BSc in Psychology and an MSc in Psychological Science. Megan has experience in the homeless sector and in mental health. Working as an assistant psychologist sparked Megan’s passion for neurodiversity, and in particular supporting individuals reach their potential in employment.

Alanna Geraghty

Junior Assessment and Support Executive

Alanna is a Junior Assessment and Support Executive, and supports candidates through CV building and editing, interview skills development, and providing support to clients in employment.

Alanna has a background in psychology, graduating with a Bachelors degree in Psychology and Sociology, and a Masters degree in Psychology. Alanna previously worked as an Employment Advisor which sparked her interest in supporting people during their employment journey.

Noreen Murphy

Operations Manager

Noreen is the Operations Manager for Specialisterne Ireland and oversees the daily running of the company. She has a particular interest in the area of learning and development and is responsible for programme development and monitoring. 

Noreen has an MSc in Psychological Science, a Board Certification in Behaviour Science, a Diploma in Human Resource Management, and a Professional Diploma in Coaching and Mentoring.  She has several years of experience in third-level education as a course tutor and module coordinator for the Access programme and has conducted several years of research in the areas of neurodiversity and communication. 

Hilary Martin

Administration & Compliance Manager

Hilary is the Administration & Compliance Manager at Specialisterne Ireland. Hilary has over 20 year’s experience working within the charitable sector & the HSE in the areas of Disability, Autism and Mental Health Services. After establishing a successful career in the Financial Services sector, Hilary became interested in creating positive social impact together with a commitment to address the unique challenges faced by neurodivergent individuals. Guided by a personal connection, Hilary established and operated some of the first Early Intervention Clinics in Dublin & Wicklow employing multi-disciplinary teams specialising in Psychology, Behaviour Science, Language and Social Skills development.

Hilary manages the administrative function within Specialisterne Ireland covering Compliance, GDPR, Training, HR and IT. Hilary is also the Designated Liaison Officer (DLP) under the Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children; Children First Act 2015. With a passion for advocating inclusivity, Hilary is dedicated to ensuring the charity’s mission is realised through effective practices and rigorous compliance standards.

Hilary holds a Bsc.(Hons) Psychology and is a qualified Charter Insurer in Life, Pension and Investments.

Sinead O'Brien

Senior Assessment and Support Executive

Sinéad is a Senior Assessment & Support Executive responsible for assisting candidates with CV development, interview preparation and continued support through employment. She is also involved in running the mentorship programme where Specialisterne connects mentors with candidates to provide a uniquely dynamic learning partnership.

Sinéad comes from a psychology background having completed an MSc in Work and Organisational Psychology. Previous to this, she completed a BA in Psychology and Sociology. Sinéad completed Front Line Management training with the Irish Management Institute during her time in Specialisterne. Her short-term work as a special needs assistant sparked her interest in neurodiversity.

Susan Cullen

Senior Training and Support Executive

Susan is a Senior Training and Support Executive at Specialisterne Ireland. She has several years’ experience in workplace coaching, recruitment, HR and business management. She supports and empowers our candidates to gain and maintain meaningful work by providing them with a one-to-one coaching service, ongoing support and confidence building strategies.

She also collaborates with our partner companies and facilitates them with their recruitment, on-boarding and retention needs through the variety of services offered to them. Susan is passionate about working with neurodiverse individuals and also supporting companies to create more inclusive workplaces for all.

She holds a BA Degree in Applied Psychology from UCC and a Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management. She has also completed a Professional Diploma in Coaching with Neuroscience.

Rachael Riordan

Assessment and Support Executive

Rachael is an Assessment and Support Executive and supports candidates through CV building and interview skills development. She works with our candidates on a one-to-one basis to support them through employment. Rachael is also a member of Specialisterne’s social media team, involved in the creation and production of content across all social media platforms.

She holds a BSc in Psychology Through Science and a MSc in Applied Psychology. Previously, Rachael worked with autistic children and adults at a preschool and adult day service setting. This sparked Rachael’s passion for working with, and supporting those with additional needs.